South African fashion designer Craig Jacobs, has been designing clothes under the label Fundudzi for over a decade. His most recent lookbook introduces the label’s first house print, which can be spotted on the collection’s T-shirts, bomber jackets, and swim shorts.
It was the legend of Limpopo’s Lake Fundudzi that originally inspired the creation of the label, and this particular lookbook sees the brand fully embrace its origins by basing its concept on the Fundudzi myth:
“It is said by the Vhatatsindi, or the People of the Pool, that there are many mysteries around the sacred body over which they hold watch. Three rivers flow into the lake and yet it never overflows. When you throw an object into its waters, the spirits will catch it and place it on the banks to be discovered the next day. And, at night, you can hear their ancestors drumming beneath its waters.
“Vuwani | Rise, the SS17 Lookbook from Fundudzi by Craig Jacobs sees the ancients emerge from below its waters to discover a landscape riven by the great drought which plagues our land.”
Shot by Philly Mohlala at The Wilds in Johannesburg under the creative direction of Jacobs, the lookbook is, according to Times Live, a tribute to one of our country's most precious resources: water.
Fundudzi by Craig Jacobs is available from Merchants on Long (Cape Town), Space Man (Umhlanga and Rosebank, Johannesburg) and online at Spree.