Wair: A scarf that protects from air pollution

With air pollution on the rise, this designer turns to accessories as a solution.

Bad air is detrimental to human health. According to the World Health Organisation, one in eight of total global deaths are a result of air pollution. To lessen the effect of air pollution, designer Caroline Van Renterghem created a stylish scarf that is meant to filter pollution and monitor the air quality around the wearer.

Renterghem designed the Wair Scarf after she contracted a lung infection while cycling through Paris. To protect herself she used an emission mask but found the mask uncomfortable.


Renterghem decided to use her expertise to design a fashionable solution. Wair filters the air while appearing stylish for both men and women, fitting snugly on the face without irritating skin.

Its air pollution monitor keeps track of the surrounding air. When the device comes in contact with pollution, it activates the accompanying app that informs the user whether it is best to wear the scarf.