Summer squeeze

Michael Bierut plays with the size and spacing of letters to create a new banner for Pentagram's New York office.

Short and stout, and long and tall, Michael Bierut has designed a nifty office banner for Pentagram’s New York office.

A dash of red and splash of black can be seen floating above the entrance to 204 Fifth Avenue in the Big Apple, Pentagram’s home address. The naming banner adds a welcome dash of colour and creativity to an otherwise nondescript building. 

Bierut's banner design squeezes Pentagram’s name into a 1.8m by 3.8m area, with the custom lettering stretched tall and thin on one side, and stacked short and stout on the other.

The banner highlights the season change and reflects Pentagram’s love of the summer season. 

Watch the Trailer with Michael Bierut