Far from China

Not Made in China is designer Guillem Ferran's critique on the modern trend of production decentralisation.

Today China is not only the manufacturing Mecca of the world but also responsible for some 95% of handmade goods. In response to this decentralisation of production, Catalan designer Guillem Ferran has created a series of objects titled “Not Made in China” to draw attention to issues around social reintegration, recycling, local production and resources, financial context, and the world financial and ecological crisis.

There are eight different projects in the series, all made using waste pallets. Through a simple process, Feran has created a door stop, magazine rack, easel, stool, shelf, nest, lamp and table.

Ferran is particularly concerned with the prevalence of cheap copies of designer products, often made from less eco-friendly materials. He believes that companies loose more than €200 million annually as a result of design copies and that a total 7% of the global commerce are pirate copies.