Entries for the 2019 PPC Imaginarium Awards in South Africa and Zimbabwe are open! The competitions invite creatives to test their skills and produce innovative works using Portland cement-based concrete. Entrants stand to win their share of publicity, mentorship opportunities and over half-a-million-Rand in cash prizes!
Launched by the innovation department of the renowned cement company PPC Ltd, the annual PPC Imaginarium Awards gives emerging creatives the chance to showcase their talent and creative thinking across the competition’s six categories; including film, fashion, jewellery, sculpture, architecture and industrial design. The competition is the most supportive of its kind in South Africa and has seen many of its past entrants and finalists go on to become recognised in the art and business community.
Each category winner will receive R50 000, while the runner-up will receive R20 000. From the category winners, judges also choose an overall winner, who receives R100 000 over and above the prize for his/her category. Artists and designers may enter in one or more categories, provided each work is original, and may enter if they have previously entered or won in the competition.
The PPC Imaginarium Award for Architecture is announced at a separate prize-giving and is open to all architecture schools in Southern Africa. The winner is seen as the top design student in Southern Africa currently registered for a degree in architecture.
The awards are open to artists, designers and architecture students living in South Africa and Zimbabwe – including resident holders and foreign students with study permits living in both countries. In order to qualify, entrants must not be established professionally in their respective industries.
The competition recently opened its doors to Zimbabwe, with the first PPC Imaginarium Awards Zimbabwe taking place in 2017/2018. Category winners and runners-up are announced separately in each country, with the exception of Architecture. The closing date for entries is 30 November 2018.
Entry registrations must be submitted online via www.ppcimaginarium.co.za.
Read more:
Entries for the 2018 PPC Imaginarium Awards are now open
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