Bird-friendly glass should be standard in sustainable design

GlasPro’s bird-friendly glass is almost invisible to humans and helps birds successfully avoid fatal collisions.

Over 100 million birds die every year in the US while attempting to reach food or shelter reflected in transparent glass. To combat this problem, a US-based company called GlasPro has perfected a bird-friendly glass for buildings and zoos.

The Bird-Safe Glass uses special technology to provide up to 84 per cent collision avoidance in birds. While nearly invisible to humans, birds see the pattern as a barrier that they cannot fly through and can successfully avoid it.

The product was identified by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) as part of its Bird-Smart Glass Program, which aims to address the issue of bird collisions with glass. The UV-enabled glass forms part of a list of 18 other products designed for bird safety and conservation.

What humans see versus what birds see.

What humans see versus what birds see.


“With bird-friendly design requirements in over a dozen U.S. cities, it is more important than ever to get the word out about effective materials to save birds' lives,” said Dr. Christine Sheppard, ABC's Bird Collision Campaign Manager. “With over half of all bird collisions coming from commercial buildings, architects have a key role to play in ending this tragedy—but individual homeowners need to play a part too.”

Products featured in ABC's Bird-Smart Glass Program—including patterned glass, window films, and tapes, and external screens —fit every style, budget, and climate.

"This new market of bird-friendly products will go a long way toward reducing a tremendous threat to birds," Sheppard said. "Bird-Smart glass can and should be a standard component of sustainable design. We hope manufacturers develop even more products that help architects and homeowners make their buildings and homes bird-friendly."

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