Ever fast-paced, the rapidly changing world of mobility comes under scrutiny this week. From space-saving cars, to sustainable water-taxis, to contactless travel, we’re looking at future modes of mobility – before they pass us by!
South Africa celebrated Heritage Day on Thursday, 24 September - a day dedicated to our country's incredible cultural diversity. We're paying tribute to South Africa's amazing creativity by showcasing the depth and breadth of the designs conceptualised by our Emerging Creatives. Heritage Day is especially important to us this year, as we are also celebrating 25 years of Design Indaba as a proudly South African brand!
Would you trust a computerized tram to deliver you safely to your destination? Still merely a concept, a driverless solution has been designed for the streets of Hong Kong. The post-COVID idea accommodates social distancing so that people feel safe using public transport once more.
The driverless Island tram was conceptualised by Italian designer Andrea Ponti. Image: Supplied.
The Big Blue goes Green
Another driverless intervention, the water-taxi designed by Crosswater Technologies is a sustainable solution for point-to-point trips across water. Fully electric, solar-powered and completely carbon neutral, the auto-pilot watercraft can convey up to 15 people at a time.
When not in use, cars take up a lot of unnecessary space in garages, carports and parking lots, and even the streets. To solve for this, Renault has unveiled a personal vehicle that transforms from car to couch, becoming part of the lounge.
Away with Jet Lag!
Tired of switching time zones and all the lag that comes with it? The Timeshifter App purports to alleviate Time Zone Change Syndrome or Desynchronosis - aka jet lag - by helping you reset your biorhythms. The approach is based on research insights from NASA.
The Timeshifter App deals with the underlying cause of jet lag by resetting the clock in our brains. Image: Ethan McArthur on Unsplash.
International high-speed railway service Eurostar is piloting “contactless” travel between Europe and the UK, meaning that you’ll no longer need to carry a physical passport with you to cross the border! iProov facial recognition technology is being rolled out and is likely to revolutionise railroad travel everywhere.