Stay with me

Faith47's latest mural provokes an emotional response and references the Gaeta Cemetery in Italy.

From the Series

Situated at the Gaeta Cemetery in central Italy, Faith47’s latest mural provokes an emotional response in all who see it.

Cape Town street artist Faith47 has painted and exhibited numerous pieces around the world. Although most of her work can be found on the streets of Cape Town and Johannesburg, Faith47’s murals have invaded the streets of many cities, including Miami, New York City, Shanghai, Milan and London.

Her latest piece titled “Will You Stay With Me? Until the Very End?” was created for the Memorie Urban Festival in Gaeta, Italy.

The mural was completed in two days and reveals an emotion-provoking response from all who are confronted by the awe-inspiring street art.

Most of Faith47’s work seeks to identify and trace the memories left by the people who live in a particular place. “Will You Stay With Me? Until the Very End?” is a suitable symbol of some of the feelings experienced by both the families of the deceased, as well as the deceased themselves.


Watch the Talk with Faith XLVII