Re-imaging what pets consume

Bond Pet Foods is reimaging what your pet should consume by developing foods made from animal-free ingredients.

You may have chosen to go vegan, but vegetable-based proteins really aren’t the best for your canine bestie. Enter Bond, a start-up that lets you spoil your pet with a meaty treat, without an animal having to die for it. Cultured animal protein, chicken in this instance, is on the cards for our creatures’ comforts. 

Bond Pet Foods is reimaging what your pet should consume by developing foods made from animal-free ingredients. Their goal is to create food for pets that does not harm other animals in the process. 

In this new process, Bon Pet Foods are using new innovative lab food technology to create a new type of meat that can be brewed instead of farmed. The first cultured meat protein they created is chicken. According to the creators it was a must as chicken is the most consumed meat in the world for people and pets.

“Bond’s cultured chicken protein, which includes all of the essential amino acids that dogs and cats require for optimal health, is then gently dried and ready to blend into a variety of pet food products,” reads the website's description. 

Read more about the process here. 

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