Glitch fiction

Glitch Fiction at Paris Design Week looks at what happens in the space between the everyday and infuences on our extrasensory perception.
Posted 7 Sep 11 By Design Indaba Creative Work / Design News Comments

The false error, the worm in the timeline, the “what could have been?” is what Glitch Fiction at Paris Design Week is about.

Taking place from 12 to 18 September 2011, Glitch Fiction happens at the edge of science fiction and reality, through a series of thought-provoking, participative and speculative design projects.

Glitch Fiction mixes activist and experimental design in a space where dreams, nightmares, near realities and hyper fantasies meet to explore current and emerging technologies. This exploration happens through the presentation of fictional scenarios, parallel worlds, extrapolated tangents, cautionary tales and design fictions.

Nelly Ben Hayoun will be presenting some of her work at Glitch Fiction. Other designers taking part include David Benqué, Ilona Gaynor, Bernd Hopfengaertner, Xavier Poultney and Nitipak Samsen.

The Glitch Fiction proposals all use design as a medium to speculate, to critique and to stimulate debate around our human relationship to science and technology.

Watch the Talk with Nelly Ben Hayoun