Freyja Sewell creates striking masks to honour the various frontline workers

Called The Triptych, Freyja Sewell’s masks celebrate different industry sectors with colour-coded flair.

Combining fashion, visual production and art, designer Freyja Sewell was called to create outlandish, striking masks to honour the various frontline workers who have soldiered on during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Called The Triptych,  Freyja Sewell’s masks celebrate different industry sectors with colour-coded flair. She chose green for people working in food.

“The Triptych is a figure of three parts, in her/him we can meet and celebrate technology, nature and the archetypal human in a state of synergistic balance. She is always accompanied by her Stewards, who support her three simultaneous states. The Teachers assist those who wish to interact with her, and freely share and exchange knowledge to contextualize the Triptychs being.”

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