Food fight: Richard Bosman

Cured meat artisan Richard Bosman insists that designers should not be feeding the world!

From the Series

Richard Bosman produces cured meats using traditional salting and drying techniques to create something special and unique. Based just outside Hermanus, the two most important ingredients in the process are the pork and time.

What’s right with mass production?

Mass production is perfect when economies of scale can be achieved without compromising the integrity of a product. An example of this would be food packaging. However, not when it leads to a lack of biodiversity and a reliance on chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.

How can designers feed the world?

Designers should not be feeding the world. Their role is to push the boundaries of man in order to bring about change. Humans are resistant to change and designers need to go out of the traditional comfort zones to drag us into the future. Once the ideas become acceptable and fashionable, the designer’s job is done and they must move on to the next new thing.

More on Food Design